Wednesday 30 July 2014

Only Dresses for Hope Project - Burma

Just a reminder to everyone that the dresses I will be accepting as donations between now and September are dresses for the Hope Project - Burma. Am requesting that no other dresses be sent at this time unless they are for the Hope Project - Burma.

Thank you.

It is nice to be able to walk around my small house knowing that small hallways are free of plastic bags filled with dresses. It is nice to look at things you have made hanging on a wall in an empty room without any plastic bags covering the beauty of the thing. It is great to have a space in a small room big enough for me to enjoy being creative. It is nice to feel safe walking around the garage knowing that you will not stumble in any boxes/parcels filled with dresses. And this is the reason why I am trying to be more organized asking for dress donations to be sent only when am ready to send them. I know these donations makes a lot of difference to the lives of the disadvantaged but it also makes a lot of difference feeling safe, comfort and joy in your own home. Thank you for your understanding.

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