Before anything else, happy new year! I hope the first two weeks of 2025 have been amazing for everyone and here's to a fantastic year ahead!
Looks like my mojo for sewing is back and hopefully for the rest of the year. And here is my first handmade for the year - a pair of shorts.
With the cost of living going up everytime I look out the window, it is very difficult to make a commitment to continue providing handmade clothes to disadvantaged children. Last year I did not make any distributions at all due to financial constraints. But I would love to do it again this year, perhaps twice or at least once as my contribution to the Holy Year celebration and give hope to disadvantaged children. In case one is not aware, the Pope has declared 2025 as a Jubilee year with a theme of hope and one of the ways one can make a contribution is a work of mercy. Perform a corporal work of mercy such as feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick. Providing handmade dresses to disadvantaged children is a good example of a work of mercy which I hope I can do this year of Jubilee. Have quite a few dresses I made last year waiting to be distributed and with my sewing mojo back I think I will have or can have more dresses to give and become a pilgrim of hope this year.