Tuesday 1 September 2015

Dress A Girl Australia's Lavender dresses for sale

Last year when I was active in market stall selling I made these lavender dresses to sell. Underneath each dress is a lavender pack weighing about 40gms each and comes with a miniature hanger to make it easy for anyone to hang the lavender dress inside their cabinets. Size of each dress is about 10-12cms in length.
Now am putting it up for sale in my Dress A Girl e-shop as a Dress A Girl Australia specialty item. Designed and made especially for Dress A Girl Australia projects. Although sales from my e-shop are very, very slow I still have a lot of hope that once in a while I would make a sale and help sustain Dress A Girl Australia's activities. I know there are still people out there who believes in what I am doing even if I can no longer accept hundreds and hundreds of dresses to distribute. Sometimes one has to be realistic in what one is capable of especially financially. It is better to do it in small numbers and be happy about it than in hundreds and/or thousands and feel miserable about it. And that is how I feel about it these days now that am back to being in control of something I love doing. I may be making a lot of people unhappy but at least I know that I am able to sustain making a difference to other people's lives and feel very happy about it....in my own small way...one small dress at a time.

Each dress sells for $10.00 plus actual postage of $2.10 (total of $12.10). To check them out, click on the image above or click here.

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