Friday 29 August 2014

Donation Acknowledgement FY14/#116 to #118 - From Sharyn, Toni and Lyn

With August month fast closing down, a few more parcel donations need to be acknowledged. This time three parcels from Sharyn Cafee, Toni Renn and Lyn Granger and  dresses for allocation to the Project Uganda(Destiny Faith Ministries) which is about to end as well when August month ends.

1) Donation #116 is a parcel of 6 dresses from Toni Renn four of which is to be allocated to Project Uganda and the other 2 for an upcoming charity drive -
2) Donation #117 is a parcel of 4 dresses from Sharyn Cafee to be allocated to Project Uganda -
3) Donation #118 is a parcel of six dresses from Lyn Granger all of which is allocated to Project Uganda.  The dress with the yellow pocket was donated by Maryann Conway of Kiama Downs -
To Sharyn, Lyn, Maryann and Toni, thank you for your dress donations. Your kindness and generosity is very much appreciated. Thank you.

With the above dress donations, total count for Project Uganda as of tonight is 113 dresses. Thank you to all the donors who are helping make this project a big success. Much appreciated.

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