Wednesday 3 September 2014

Bucket Challenge for Dress A Girl Australia

With the popularity of the 'ice bucket' challenge (and application for trademarks withdrawn) there are other ways you can do a challenge without pouring ice over your head. I might do a 'fabric' bucket challenge or a 'school supplies' bucket challenge or fill a 'gold coin' bucket challenge from my handmade cards to raise funds for postage. LOL! .  

My Habit Factor challenge of a 'gold coin a day' which I started at the beginning of the year when I joined the habit factor competition has helped me a lot and not everyone knows(Now you know how I get to send parcels). Here is my chart that I ticked everyday
Not necessarily a gold coin as sometimes I do not have one but as long as I come up with a total of $2.00 in any denominations.  As of yesterday I have raised $480.00 from the habit of saving gold coin a day although except for a few coins left, the rest have helped pay for postage to send dresses and quilts around the world and I still have about 125 days to go. 
Not a bad idea!

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