Monday 6 October 2014

Dresses for Today - 6-Oct-2014 and more items for sale

Today, as usual I started early and did my sewing but could only find the time to post now. This morning I finished 3 dresses and 1 pair of shorts. I was thinking of making a t-shirt for the pair of shorts but if I did that my schedule for today would probably go disarray so decided not to. Maybe tonight if I still am apt to it. Here are the 3 dresses and the pair of shorts. I think if am not mistaken, the fabric material used for the dresses was donated by Sue-Ellen Cox sometime in 2013. Will not forget this particular material because it is pure batik.
Also, today I will be posting more handmade items I did the last few days. I will be posting my "i-wear because i-care" fabric bracelets for sale and my teddy bear series. Hopefully these items will attract more buyers. I can understand that most of the supporters of the Dress A Girl (Around the World) Australia are not interested in my handmade items but it will be nice if you can please help spread the word around on the handmade items that I sell as any proceeds from the sale will also benefit the campaigners. Perhaps instead of complaining why you can only donate 5 dresses if you could promote my products it will become more productive for all of us. Thank you.

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